What is Ethereum: Essence and Mechanism of Operation

Ethereum is not just a cryptocurrency, as many may think, but an entire platform for developing decentralised applications (DApps). This section has a closer look at the key characteristics of Ethereum that make it unique and stand out from other blockchain platforms.

Ethereum Key Features: In-depth Analysis

Decentralised Platform

Ethereum is based on the concept of decentralisation. This means that instead of storing information on a single server or centralised database, the information is scattered across many independent nodes (computers), each of which validates and stores all transactions.

Blockchain Supported Smart Contracts

Ethereum uses its own blockchain structure that allows not only transactions but also the creation of smart contracts. Smart contracts are small programmes that automatically fulfil the terms of a contract without the need for intermediaries.

Ethereum cryptocurrency (ETH)

ETH is a proprietary cryptocurrency in the Ethereum ecosystem. It serves as both a fuel to execute transactions and run smart contracts, as well as a means to transfer value within the platform.

Flexibility and Customisability

Ethereum provides developers with a wide range of opportunities to create their own decentralised applications, financial instruments, identity system and much more.

Active and Growing Community

Ether has one of the largest and most active communities in the cryptocurrency world. The community includes developers, researchers, users, and enthusiasts who contribute to the development of the platform.

Open Source

Ethereum is an open source project, which allows any developer to participate in its development or even create their own version of the platform.

Security and Transparency

Thanks to blockchain technology, all transactions and data in Ethereum are transparent and immutable after confirmation. This ensures a high level of security and trust.

All these characteristics make Ethereum one of the most innovative and promising technologies in the world today. It opens up new opportunities for decentralisation, automation, and the creation of new, more transparent systems.

Ethereum Creation History

Concept and Initiator

The idea of creating Ethereum belongs to programmer Vitalik Buterin. Vitaliy was born in Russia, but as a child he moved to Canada, where he later became known for his contributions to the development of the cryptocurrency industry. Before working on Ethereum, Vitaliy collaborated with various cryptocurrency projects and was even one of the co-founders of Bitcoin Magazine.

Initial Announcement and White Paper

In late 2013, Buterin published the Ethereum white paper, a document detailing the concept, architecture and mechanisms of the proposed platform. This document served as the starting point for fundraising and the beginning of development.

Crowdfunding Campaign

In 2014, a crowdfunding campaign was launched to raise funds for the development of Ethereum. The campaign raised about $18 million, becoming one of the most successful crowdfunding projects in history at the time.

Starting Ether (ETH) Networking and Distribution

The Ethereum core network was launched on 30 July 2015. This day is considered to be the birthday of Ethereum. Since the launch of the network, Ether (ETH) coins have been distributed among the participants of the crowdfunding campaign and also used to fund further development of the project.

DAO Incident and Network Splitting

In 2016, there was a famous incident involving the DAO organisation, in which approximately 3.6 million ETH worth of funds were stolen. This incident forced the community to decide on a “hard fork” to recover the stolen funds, which led to the split of Ethereum into two versions: Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC).

Transition to Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum is constantly evolving. One of the most significant steps is the transition to a new version of Ethereum 2.0 based on the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which has significantly increased the speed and efficiency of the network.

The story of Ether is an example of a successful combination of an innovative idea, strong leadership and an active community. These factors have made it one of the most influential and promising projects in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies.

Unique Functional Features of the Ethereum Platform

Smart Contracts: Automation and Reliability

One of the most prominent features of Ethereum is its support for smart contracts – autonomous software codes that are automatically executed when certain conditions are met. These smart contracts can automate everything from real estate transactions to complex corporate transactions. All of this happens without intermediaries, reducing the likelihood of errors and fraud.

Infrastructure: Support and Development Ecosystem

Ethereum has an extensive infrastructure that includes cryptocurrency wallets, exchange platforms, developer tools and many other services. This greatly facilitates interaction for both developers and end users.

Decentralised Applications (DApps): A New Look at Software

Ethereum provides a platform for creating decentralised applications (DApps). Unlike traditional applications, DApps run on the blockchain and are not controlled by centralised organisations. This provides a high degree of transparency and security.

Decentralised Financing (DeFi)

Ethereum played a key role in the birth and development of the concept of decentralised finance (DeFi). With the help of smart contracts and DApps, various financial services – from decentralised exchanges to complex investment platforms – are implemented on the Ethereum platform.

DAO: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations

Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) can be created and managed on the Ethereum platform. These are organisations managed by smart contracts instead of people, which allows for the implementation of complex organisational structures with transparent decision-making.

NFT: non-replaceable token

Ethereum has also become a platform for creating and exchanging NFTs (non-replaceable token). These unique assets can represent everything from digital art to ownership of physical objects.

Web3: Entering the New Internet Age

Through the Web3.js library and other tools, Ethereum aims to create a new, decentralised version of the internet where users control their data, identity and transactions.

Flexibility and Scalability

Over time, Ethereum has been going through a series of updates aimed at increasing transaction speeds and network scalability. The introduction of sharding and the transition to the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism in Ethereum 2.0 are just some steps being taken in this direction.

Ethereum is not just a cryptocurrency; it's an entire ecosystem that offers many unique opportunities to create and use decentralised applications and services.

Functional Significance of Ether (ETH) Cryptocurrency in the Ethereum Ecosystem

Currency Founder: Underlying Cryptocurrency Platforms

Ether (ETH) serves as the underlying cryptocurrency for the entire Ethereum ecosystem. It is in ETH that all types of transactions and interactions within the network take place, making it an integral component of the platform.

Fuel for Smart Contracts: Gas Costs

One of the key roles of ETH is to function as “fuel” for smart contracts and transactions on the platform. Users and developers pay a fee to ETH, which is known as “gas”, for launching and executing smart contracts. This fee compensates network participants for the costs of processing and storing data.

Investment Instrument: Speculation and Value Capture

Like other cryptocurrencies, ETH is also an object of investment and speculation. Its price is subject to fluctuations in the cryptocurrency markets, and many investors consider ETH as a risk hedge or long-term investment.

Participating in the Network Consensus: Staking in Ethereum 2.0

With the transition to the new Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism under Ethereum 2.0, ETH holders have the opportunity to participate in the transaction validation process. This is done by “staking” or “freezing” a certain amount of ETH, which in turn provides an opportunity to earn additional tokens as rewards.

Decentralised Financing (DeFi)

ETH is a key cryptocurrency in the decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem. Most DeFi projects are based on Ethereum and use ETH as the main or one of the main cryptocurrencies for interoperability.

NFT and Decentralised Trading Venues

In the NFT world, ETH functions as a means to buy, sell and trade these unique assets on decentralised trading platforms.

Funding and ICO

Finally, ETH is often used in crowdfunding campaigns and ICOs (initial coin offerings), allowing developers to raise funds for new projects directly on the Ethereum platform.

Ether is not just a cryptocurrency; it is a multi-functional asset that plays a central role in a variety of aspects of the Ether ecosystem. From the “fuel” for smart contracts to a vehicle for investment and financial transactions, ETH remains an indispensable element of this dynamic platform.

Ways to develop and improve Ethereum

One of Ethereum's main areas of development is the introduction of a scalable version of the network known as Ethereum 2.0, based on a new consensus mechanism known as Proof of Stake, which reduces power consumption and increases scalability.

In addition, Ethereum developers are working to improve the performance and security of the network by introducing new features and improvements. For example, in 2022, Ethereum introduced the EIP-1559 mechanism, which reduced transaction fees.

Another important area of Ethereum development is support for decentralised finance (DeFi). DeFi is a new trend in the financial industry that uses blockchain to create decentralised financial products and services. Ethereum plays a key role in the development of DeFi, as it provides the infrastructure needed to create such products.

Layer2 solutions for scaling the Ethereum network

One way to scale the Ethereum network is to use Layer2 solutions. Layer2 solutions are add-ons that run on top of the Ethereum core network. They allow transactions to be processed outside the core network, which reduces the load on the core network and increases its throughput.

There are many Layer2 solutions for Ethereum. Some of the most popular include:

  • Rollups: Rollups are a type of Layer2 solution that compresses transactions and sends them to the core network in a single packet. This allows more transactions to be processed without increasing the load on the core network.

  • Sidechains: Sidechains are independent networks that are connected to the main Ethereum network. They can be used to process transactions that do not require high security or decentralisation.

  • State channels: State channels are private communication channels that are used to exchange data between two parties. They can be used to process transactions that do not require network-wide participation.

Layer2 solutions are an important part of Ethereum's future. They will help increase the scalability of the network and make it more accessible to users.

Efirium's competitors: Who is challenging for market leadership?

In the world of blockchain technology, there are a number of platforms that boast similar, or even improved functionality compared to Ethereum. Here are some of them:

  • Cardano (ADA). Developed by mathematician and Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson, Cardano is considered one of the most scientifically orientated blockchain projects. The project uses formal verification and an academic approach to development. Cardano also moved to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism long before Ethereum.

  • Solana (SOL). It is one of the fastest growing platforms, offering high throughput and low transaction costs. These characteristics have made it a popular choice for developers of decentralised applications (dApps), especially in the field of decentralised finance (DeFi).

  • Polkadot (DOT). Led by Dr Gavin Wood, one of the co-founders of Ethereum, Polkadot aims to become the “internet of blockchains” by enabling interoperability between different blockchain networks. Polkadot is developing tools to create parallel blockchains and their interoperability, making it a uniquely flexible and scalable solution.

  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Backed by one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance, this platform offers similar functionality to Ethereum for smart contracts and decentralised applications. With low fees and high performance, BSC has attracted many developers and users.

  • Tezos (XTZ). It also uses a PoS mechanism and offers formal verification of smart contracts, which ensures a high level of security. The platform allows users to participate in governance and decision-making through popular vote mechanisms.

  • Cosmos (ATOM). It is also a serious competitor to Ethereum and deserves special attention. Cosmos is an ecosystem of independent parallel blockchains that can interact with each other. This platform was developed to address scalability and interoperability issues, which are some major obstacles for blockchain technology.

While Ethereum remains one of the most well-known and widely used blockchain platforms, competition in this area is intensifying. New and existing projects are introducing unique features and innovations that may prove more attractive to developers and users. This creates a dynamic and ever-changing market in which Ethereum has to prove its value and competitiveness all the time.


Investing in Ethereum: Benefits and Limitations

Benefits of Investing in Ethereum

  • Technological Advancement and Platform Flexibility. Ethereum is one of the most technologically advanced blockchain platforms, offering flexible and functional tools for developing decentralised applications and smart contracts.

  • Active Development and Innovation. The Ethereum development team is constantly working to improve the platform, and the move to Ethereum 2.0 with the promise of higher performance makes it an attractive investment choice.

  • Role in Decentralised Finance (DeFi). Ethereum is the basis for most decentralised finance projects, which increases its attractiveness as an investment asset.

  • Large and Active Community. Thanks to a large and active community, Ethereum is constantly receiving feedback and support, which positively affects its stability and reliability.

  • Variety of Investment Instruments. In addition to owning ETH directly, investors can participate in stacking, use financial instruments on the platform or invest through funds and indices.

Restrictions and Risks

  • Price Volatility. Like many other cryptocurrencies, ETH is subject to significant price fluctuations, which adds risk to the investment.

  • Competition with Other Platforms. There are other blockchain platforms such as Cardano, Solana and Polkadot that compete with Ethereum by offering similar or sometimes more attractive features.

  • Unfinished Scaling Works. Despite the promises associated with Ethereum 2.0, the project is still under development and there are risks associated with the transition to the new system.

  • Regulatory Complexities. Cryptocurrency regulatory issues remain open and may affect the price and applicability of ETH in the future.

  • Security Risks. Although the Ethereum blockchain is considered secure, there are risks of hacker attacks, as was the case with the DAO hack in 2016.


Ethereum undoubtedly remains one of the most influential and widely adopted blockchain projects. Since its inception in 2013, it has not only offered a new approach to decentralised financial and contractual transactions, but has also served as a catalyst for a number of innovations in this area.

However, as analyses of its competitors such as Cardano, Solana, Polkadot, Binance Smart Chain, Tezos and Cosmos show, Ethereum is not the only player in this dynamic and diverse market. Each of these platforms offers its own unique advantages, be it interoperability, transaction speeds or consensus methods.

If we compare Ethereum to stocks of companies in traditional markets, we can say that it is similar to the “blue chip” blockchain space – stable, reliable and with a good reputation. However, as with equities, the presence of competitors and constant technological development means that investors and developers need to always be on their guard.

Investing in Ether, like any other cryptocurrency or technology, involves risks. However, its historical resilience, active community and ongoing efforts to scale and improve make it one of the most attractive assets in this category.

Ethereum is not just a cryptocurrency or a platform for smart contracts; it is an entire ecosystem that offers unprecedented opportunities for decentralisation and democratisation of financial and social systems. However, its long-term success will largely depend on how effectively it can adapt and evolve in response to the challenges and opportunities presented by its competitors and the market itself.


📌 What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a decentralised platform for creating and using smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps). It also provides the Ether (ETH) cryptocurrency for executing transactions and managing smart contracts.

📌 What are smart contracts?

Smart contracts are automated contracts with code that is self-executing when certain conditions occur. They are one of the key features of Ethereum.

📌 What is DeFi, and how does Ethereum relate to it?

DeFi (decentralised finance) is financial products and services created on blockchain technology without intermediaries such as banks or insurance companies. Ethereum played a key role in the development of this trend by providing the necessary infrastructure.



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