Understanding the Proof of Stake

What is Proof of Stake in Deep Dissection

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a blockchain consensus algorithm that determines who will be the next block creator on the blockchain. Instead of relying on physical computing resources, as is the case with Proof-of-Work (PoW), PoS uses coin staking or "pawning" for this process. The essence of the algorithm is as follows: a network participant blocks ("steaks") a certain number of coins in a special wallet. This action gives him a chance to add the next block to the blockchain.

Proof of Stake how does it work?

  • Initiation of Steaking: First, the participant must transfer their coins into a special steaking wallet. This process is commonly referred to as "blocking" the coins.

  • Validator Selection: When it is time to create a new block, the PoS algorithm randomly selects one of the participants who made a steak. The probability of being selected is proportional to the size of the participant's steak. For example, if you have 10% of all coins blocked for steaking, theoretically you should have a 10% probability of creating a new block.

  • Block Creation and Verification: The selected participant creates a new block and includes transactions in it. This block must then be verified by other participants. If the block is verified, it is added to the blockchain.

  • Reward: As a reward, a participant who successfully creates a new block usually receives some or all of the transaction fees from that block, and sometimes additional new coins created “out of nothing”. This depends on the issuance rules of a given blockchain network.

  • Unlocking a Steak: After a certain period of time or after a participant has ceased their role as a validator, the steak can be unlocked and returned to the participant's regular wallet.

The essence of Proof-of-Stake is that participants are incentivised to act in the best interests of the network. If they act fraudulently, they will lose their steaks, which is a great incentive to keep the network operating honestly and efficiently.

Historical Context and Origins of Proof-of-Stake

Inefficiencies and Limitations of Proof-of-Work

To understand the origin of Proof-of-Stake (PoS), it is necessary to recall that the original and best known consensus algorithm in blockchain was Proof-of-Work (PoW), which was popularised with the advent of Bitcoin in 2009. PoW works based on computational tasks, and it requires a significant amount of energy to create new blocks. This model has faced a number of challenges, including high energy costs and centralisation of mining power.

Finding Alternatives: First Steps

In light of these limitations, developers and researchers began looking for alternative methods to achieve consensus in blockchain networks. In 2011-2012, ideas that later formed the basis for Proof-of-Stake began to emerge in various forums and academic circles.

Origins and First Realisations

One of the first cryptocurrencies to implement PoS was Peercoin, launched in 2012. In Peercoin, PoS was used in conjunction with PoW to provide initial coin issuance and subsequent network security. This hybrid approach reduced reliance on mining and made the system more resilient to attacks.

Reasons for the Emergence of Proof-of-Stake

At the core of the PoS concept are several key principles and objectives:

  • Energy efficiency: PoS promises a significant reduction in energy costs compared to PoW.

  • Decentralisation: As PoS does not require specialised equipment to participate in PoS, a wider range of participants can take part in maintaining the network, which promotes decentralisation.

  • Security: Due to the fact that an attacker would need to acquire a large proportion of coins to successfully attack a network, PoS is considered relatively secure.

Proof-of-Stake thus emerged as a reaction to the limitations and problems associated with Proof-of-Work, and has since been constantly evolving and adapting to meet the needs of various blockchain projects.

A Deep Dive into the Proof-of-Stake Mechanism

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is a complex ecosystem based on several key components. To understand how this mechanism works, let's have a closer look at each part of it.

Initialising Staking

  • Steak: At the very beginning, participants in the network send a certain number of their coins to a specialised wallet dedicated to staking. This number of coins deposited in the steak directly affects the likelihood that a participant will be selected to create a new block.

  • Freezing Time: In some systems, there is a period of time during which the steak must be “frozen” before participating in the validation process.

Validation process

  • Validator Selection: When a new block needs to be created, the system selects a validator among all participants who have made a steak. This process can be random or determined by some other parameter, such as the age of the steak or its size.

  • Block Creation: The validator collects a few unconfirmed transactions from the pool and forms a new block.

  • Verification: After a block is created, other validators check it for errors or fraudulent activity. If the block is correct, it is added to the blockchain.

Rewards and Penalties

  • Reward: The validator receives a reward for successfully creating a block. This reward may consist of new coins and/or transaction fees.

  • Penalties: If a validator attempts to commit fraud or fails to fulfil his/her duties, he/she may lose some or all of his/her steak. This provides an additional incentive for honest behaviour.

Delegation and Shares

In some PoS implementations, there is the possibility of delegation. This means that regular participants who do not want to participate in validation can “delegate” their coins to the validator, entrusting him with the process of block creation. For this, they also receive part of the reward.

Defence Against Attack

  • 51% attack: In PoS, in order to perform a 51% attack, the attacker must control a large fraction of all coins in the steak. This is significantly more expensive and risky than in the case of PoW.

  • Nothing at Stake: In early versions of PoS, this type of attack was a real threat, but modern implementations include mechanisms to minimise this risk.

Overall, Proof-of-Stake is a sophisticated and complex system that is constantly evolving. It offers an efficient and, in some cases, more secure method of achieving consensus on blockchain networks than Proof-of-Work.

Varieties and Modifications of Proof-of-Stake: An In-Depth Analysis

Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is not a static or monolithic consensus method; its various iterations and modifications offer unique features and solutions for specific problems. Let's have a closer look at some of them.

Leased Proof-of-Stake (LPoS)

This PoS modification allows participants to “rent” their steins to professional validators. This is useful for those who do not want to or cannot participate in the validation process themselves, but want to earn income from their coins. Validators, in turn, gain more “weight” on the network, which increases their chances of creating new blocks. This method often increases the level of security and decentralisation in the network.

Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS)

In NPoS, network participants vote for specific validators, who then participate in the block creation and verification process. This method attempts to address the centralisation of validators by allowing network participants to directly influence the selection of these important actors.

Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS)

Pure Proof-of-Stake aims to minimise the issues of standard PoS, such as Nothing at Stake and other potential attacks. In PPoS, each network participant has a chance to be selected by a validator according to the size of its stack and other factors, but without the ability to use the stack to support multiple versions of the chain at the same time.

Effective Proof-of-Stake (EPoS)

EPoS is a modification that aims to distribute rewards more equitably among validators. In traditional PoS, validators with a larger steak typically receive more rewards. EPoS attempts to balance this dynamic by setting upper and lower limits on rewards to make participation more attractive to validators with smaller steaks.

Proof-of-Authority (PoA)

Although PoA is not a type of PoS, it is often compared to PoS because of some similar aspects. PoA uses “reputation” or “trust” in certain nodes instead of steak. These nodes, or "authorities", are responsible for validating transactions and creating new blocks. PoA is typically used in private or corporate blockchains where trust in participants is already established.

Different modifications and variations of PoS offer interesting and innovative methods for achieving consensus in blockchain networks. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of a particular method will depend on the unique needs and goals of each particular project.

Pros and Cons of Proof-of-Stake: Overview


  • Energy efficiency: One of the main advantages of PoS is the significant reduction in energy consumption compared to Proof-of-Work (PoW). PoS does not require complex mathematical tasks, so powerful and power-hungry computers can be dispensed with.

  • Fast Consensus: Typically, PoS systems achieve consensus faster than PoW systems. This increases the network throughput and reduces the waiting time for transaction confirmation.

  • Decentralisation: Stacking and delegation mechanisms in PoS can contribute to greater decentralisation, as they make participation in the validation process accessible to more participants.

  • Security: To perform a 51% attack in PoS, an attacker needs to control a large portion of all staked coins, which is usually much more expensive and difficult than in the case of PoW.

  • Rewards for Participants: Staking in PoS systems typically offers participants periodic rewards in the form of additional coins, which incentivises participation in the network.


  • The “Rich gets richer” problem: In PoS, participants with larger steaks are more likely to receive rewards, which can lead to increased centralisation and the replication of wealth in the hands of a few.

  • Nothing at Stake: In early versions of PoS, there may have been an issue where validators had no incentive not to support different versions of the blockchain, which could threaten security.

  • Low Motivation to Participate: If the rewards for staking are not high enough or the process is too complex, participants may not see the point of participating in the validation process.

  • Implementation Complexity: Many PoS algorithms are much more complex to implement compared to PoW, which can lead to bugs in the code or vulnerabilities in the system.

  • Freeze Period: In some PoS systems, the steak must be “frozen” for a certain period, which can be inconvenient for participants who want to access their funds quickly.

Which cryptocurrencies are Proof of Stake?

  1. Ethereum (ETH) has moved to PoS consensus as part of the Ethereum 2.0 update, based on the Beacon Chain algorithm. Beacon Chain coordinates a shard-separated network and provides validator selection through staking. It is designed to improve the efficiency and security of the entire Ethereum network.

  2. Polkadot (DOT) uses a Nominated Proof-of-Stake consensus that combines the selection of validators with a nomination system. Users can nominate validators, and based on these nominations, those who will create blocks are selected. This system makes the Polkadot network more democratic and open.

  3. Cosmos (ATOM) applies a PoS consensus based on the Tendermint algorithm. In Tendermint, validators are selected based on staking, and they participate in a fast voting process to reach a consensus. This approach ensures the speed and security of the Cosmos network.

  4. Binance Coin (BNB) on the Binance Chain uses a variant of PoS where the focus is on centralised validators. In this network, validators are pre-selected, and they are primarily responsible for creating blocks. This makes the network fast but less decentralised.

  5. Avalanche (AVAX) uses a proprietary PoS variant that combines elements of classical PoS and innovative consensus mechanisms. In this system, validators can participate in multiple subnets, which provides a high degree of decentralisation and scalability.

  6. NEO uses Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT), a delegated variant of PoS. In this system, a few validators are selected to participate in consensus, making the network fast but potentially less decentralised.

  7. TRON (TRX) uses Delegated Proof-of-Stake, where validators (Super Representatives) are selected by voting among token holders. This system provides high performance and the possibility of community participation in network management.

  8. Algorand (ALGO) applies a consensus based on the Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS) algorithm. In this approach, each ALGO token holder has a chance to become a validator depending on the number of tokens they hold. PPoS uses probabilistic algorithms to select validators, making the process random and therefore more decentralised and secure. This algorithm allows Algorand to provide fast and efficient consensus without compromising security.

  9. Solana (SOL) uses a unique consensus based on the Proof-of-History (PoH) algorithm. Unlike traditional blockchains that depend on timestamps to sequence transactions, PoH creates a chronological sequence of events that allows validators to verify the time of origin of each transaction. Together with PoS, this method ensures high speed and reliability of the network.

  10. Tezos (XTZ) uses consensus based on the Tendermint algorithm, which is a variant of PoS. In this network, token holders can “freeze” their coins in staking or delegate them to other participants to participate in the validation process. In this way, Tezos enables broad participation in the voting and blockchain process, making the network more efficient and scalable.


Proof-of-Stake (PoS) represents one of the key innovations in blockchain technology, offering an alternative to the energy-intensive Proof-of-Work method. It enables networks to reach consensus faster and more efficiently, while providing incentives for participation in the form of staking rewards.

Nevertheless, PoS is not without its shortcomings. Issues of wealth distribution, potential centralisation and technical complexity of implementation are all aspects that require further attention and development. There are many variations and modifications of PoS, each attempting to solve specific problems or improve certain aspects of the system.

The choice between PoS and other consensus methods will depend on the specific goals and needs of the blockchain project. PoS is already an important and relevant area in the development of decentralised networks, and its role in the future of the blockchain space will only increase.


📌 What is Proof of Stake (PoS)?

Proof-of-Stake is a consensus algorithm used in blockchain networks to validate transactions and create new blocks. Unlike Proof-of-Work, where miners solve mathematical problems to create blocks, in PoS token holders put (“stake” or “freeze”) their coins to participate in the validation process.

📌 How does the PoS mechanism work?

In PoS, token holders “stack” their coins, creating a steak. This steak is used to select validators that will create new blocks and validate transactions. The more coins you have in your stake, the more likely you are to be selected as a validator.

📌 What is coin delegation in PoS?

Coin delegation allows token holders to transfer their validation rights to other participants. This increases the overall performance and security of the network as more participants can take part in the consensus process.

📌 What are the advantages and disadvantages of PoS?

Advantages include energy efficiency, decentralisation and open participation. Disadvantages may include possible security issues such as Nothing at Stake attacks.



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